Oven Roasted Chicken, Redskin Potatoes, & Green Beans

I'm excited to share my first recipe with you guys!! Tonight's dinner was inspired by ingredients I had left over in my fridge at the end of my grocery shopping cycle, not wanting to get too fancy after a good workout, and of course my attempt at being healthy. It was quick, easy, and oh-so-delicious! Hope you like it ☺

Oven Roasted Chicken, Redskin Potatoes, & Green Beans

Prep Time: 20 minutes   Cooking Time: 60 minutes   Eating Time: Really fast (I was hungry...)


3 Chicken Breasts, cut in half

8-10 baby redskin potatoes, quartered

2 handfuls of green beans (very scientific measurements, I know)

2 cloves of garlic

Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Spices: I used Chipotle Chile, Mrs. Dash Chicken Grilling Blend & Garlic and Herb blend (both salt free!)


1. Preheat oven to 350*F. Prepare a 9'x13' pan with EVOO brushed along the bottom.

2. Wash, cut, and prepare green beans, potatoes, and chicken.


I proudly sent my fiancee a picture of my prepared meal and his first comment was "I hope you don't get sick." So of course I panicked and did my research. As long as you prepare the vegetables separately from the raw chicken and DO NOT use the same cutting board or wash/bleach it very thoroughly during the prep process, your finished meal will be safe to eat, given you cooked it for the right amount of time.

3. Season the green beans and potatoes by mixing them in a bowl with EVOO & your choice of spices (see ingredients for the ones I used tonight).

4. Add all ingredients to your pan in 3 pretty rows as shown below :) Spice your chicken and add your minced garlic to the top of the entire pan.

5. Cover with tin foil and place in oven. Cook for one hour. Make sure the chicken has reached an internal temperature of 165*F (this is where you want to make sure that salmonella my fiancee warned me about doesn't happen). 



 If you like your veggies and chicken to be a little more browned/crispy on the top, remove the foil and keep the pan in the oven for an additional 7-8 minutes with the BROILER on. I did this and it turned out golden brown and great.

7. Smile at your pretty creation and dive in! Enjoy your delicious, easy, and healthy homemade meal. Share with your family, friends, or significant other if you're feeling generous ☺


Let me know if you decide to try this recipe and if you like it! Did you change anything? I'd love to hear your feedback!

with faith, love, & coffee,

kellie ann