Business Basics
More than likely you just bought your kit of oils to improve the wellness of you and your family, right? That's how most of us get started and it’s 100% why I started. I had no clue there was even a business opportunity that came along with my starter kit.. It doesn't even seem possible for everything we love about this company to get even better, but guess what? It totally is!!
Let me tell you friends...having a Young Living business is better than any job I’ve ever had...and I’ve had SEVERAL that I’m so thankful for and that I’ve really loved.
Why is it so great, you’re wondering? Well, I think the short answer is Freedom. There is just nothing else that compares to the type of freedom that a Young Living business offers. Financial freedom...time freedom...freedom to grow our business as quickly or slowly as we like.
Most people right now are not really building anything towards a future of freedom and are only counting down the days to retirement, which was totally me. By the time you are old enough to retire, the life you were working your buns off to live... in a lot of ways is over by that time. Kids are grown, family vacations with those kids are long gone, memories have been missed. The truth is often dad's (and mom's) live their lives at work more than they do with their family and loved ones.
We all get one life and I want mine to be filled with doing something I love, something that allows me to spend time with the people I love, to create memories, make the world a better place and to leave a legacy for my family...Young Living has allowed me to do all that and so much more in the short time I’ve been running my business.
When you eat at a really good restaurant, you go tell all your friends they have to try the food. When someone asks if there are any good shows on, you give them a recommendation. We look to the people we trust to give us real reviews and recommendations all the time. In this class, I am going to give you ideas on how you can generate more personal stories with your products and show you different ways you can tell someone about Young Living without being pushy or salesy.
The first thing you want to do is use your products every single day to create personal testimonies. Personal stories make sharing genuine and authentic. Plus, when you use the products regularly, you will notice a difference in the way you feel, which is why you got involved in the first place!
Telling YOUR story as often as you can is the best thing you can do for your business. At this point, explain why you love the product or oil, or why you're so grateful for it. You can also give some tips about how you use it. For example with Tranquil, you could advise people to roll it on the bottom of their big toe, back of their neck, behind the ears, etc.
Finding your Link
Once you have started sharing about your oils, and maybe even the Premium Starter Kit, it's a good time to make sure you have your personal signup link on hand.
Here's how you can create your link:
1. Log in to Virtual Office
2. In the left hand menu, scroll to Member Resources & click.
3. Then, a sub-menu will pop up. Click "Link Builder"
4. Double check that your member number is correct, and if so, copy the link that was generated for you.
5. Paste this into your notes on your phone, or create a customized link at https://bitly.com
You can use that link to have people grab their Premium Starter Kits, because remember when they do.. you'll have the potential to make $50.00!!!
If you are brand new in the Young Living world, you are what is called a Distributor! Young Living has 9 ranks: Star, Senior Star, Executive, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond, Crown Diamond, and Royal Crown Diamond.
Each rank has its own requirements in order to achieve, and each rank builds off the previous rank. As you begin building your business, it is important to know what it takes to climb the ranks as you will be structuring your business to achieve these ranks in order to make the most of the compensation plan.
This video explains each rank, and how you get paid on it: RANKS + COMMISSIONS VIDEO
You will hear the term ‘stacking’ thrown around often. Stacking, or more appropriately called “restructuring your downline” (since the term “stacking" is not the term YL uses) is something Lemon Droppers and Happy Oilers do differently than any other group in Young Living. It is a strategic move that helps us rank up quickly and maximize the comp plan in the best way possible. Stacking gives your new member a new sponsor (you always remain the enroller). You want to do this because it helps boost a leg of yours! It helps boost them and build their OGV. This helps both of you to build your organization and jump ranks more quickly.
For more detail on this watch these 5 videos in the Happy Oilers!!
Video ONE: http://bit.ly/22GfxFF
Video TWO: http://bit.ly/1JnTugk
Video THREE: http://bit.ly/1ZJjKpz
Video FOUR: http://bit.ly/22GfFVy
Video FIVE: http://bit.ly/1R61dCq
PLEASE NOTE: If you do NOT have someone who has expressed interest in the business, watched all the videos, and hopped on ER then you WON'T have a business leg to stack under. That's okay! You will get one eventually I promise. Unless you know someone will be doing the business right away, you may end up with a lot of level ones.
Once you have your first business person, you’re going to want to stack all of your new sign-ups under that person (unless you know one of your new sign-ups is wanting to do the business themselves). This helps build up your first ‘leg’, which is beneficial for both of you! Once you’re shooting for the rank of Executive, it will be important to have at least 2 business legs in place. For Royal Crown Diamond, you’ll need a total of 6 business legs. It’s good to keep that in mind from the beginning so you can be on the lookout for potential business people to head up the legs you will need!
If you decide to stack someone,, you need to complete the move within 5 days of enrollment (via Live Chat) or 30 days of enrollment (via e-mail: resolutions@youngliving.com)!
If it is within 5 days of enrollment, hop on LIVE CHAT!! Your chat will look like this:
MR_YL_SUPERSWEET_LIVECHATDUDE: Can I have your member ID and pin?
YOU: Sure, Livechatdude, its.....
YOU: I'd like to restructure my downline. I'd like to remain the enroller for LINDA LAVENDER (Member #1234567), but I would like to change her sponsor to FELICIA FRANKINCENSE (Member #456789).
MR_YL_SUPERSWEET_LIVECHATDUDE: The move is complete, your confirmation number is #5497124
YOU: Thanks, have a great day and all that jazz.
If you don’t do the move within 5 days, you can still stack within 30 days of enrollment, by emailing resolutions@youngliving.com. Your email should look like this:
My name is _________ Member #987654, PIN ____.
I'd like to restructure my downline. I'd like to remain the enroller for LINDA LAVENDER (Member #1234567), but I would like to change her sponsor to FELICIA FRANKINCENSE (Member #456789).
Thank You,
Stacking can seem counterintuitive to building a business (“I just signed this person up, why do I want to move them?!”), but in the long run it is the BEST way to grow, and grow quickly!
In order to get paid, you must spend either 50PV or 100PV in the month you’re wanting to be paid. If you just want to sell a kit or two and see how this goes, great! Just make sure that you also have at least 50PV in the MONTH that you sold the kit(s). If you don't have 50PV in the same month that you sold a kit you will not earn the kit bonus.
**If you choose to only do 50PV you will not qualify for rank. This means Star, Senior Star, Executive, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond, Crown Diamond or Royal Crown Diamond. This also means you will not qualify for unilevel commission, or any other bonuses like Silver Bound.
100PV will get you the kit bonus, unilevel commissions, Silver Bound Bonus, and you’ll qualify for ranks
What does this mean? If you have anyone underneath you that has decided to do the business and they are starting to sell kits this would be unilevel. If your PV is 100 each month you will get unilevel commissions (everyone underneath you that is selling) PLUS if you sell any kits you would get the kit bonus for this as well.
Now that you’ve gotten the basics of running a Young Living business there are some things we want you to do!
1. Find your Young Living Link and save it in a note on your phone! This way you have it easily available when you need to send it to a friend.
2. Watch all of the videos included in the “What You Need To Know” section.
3. Tell a story on social media about an oil you used today. Sharing doesn’t need to be scary! But even if you are scared, people want to know the truth and if they see you going for it even if you're scared, they'll have the courage to as well! OR if they hear that you're just starting to share, they may want to learn more! Be yourself & share your story!
If you are ready to dive in deep with learning about this business, the best place to start is by taking this course. https://the-team-collective.teachable.com/p/teamcollective
This course will walk you through everything you need to know when you’re first starting your business. Even if you’ve been around for a while, it will be a great refresher!